Regional economic impact of the construction of a data center and a digital park in the Rhenish mining area

In this study, the direct, indirect and income-induced effects on employment and gross value added from the construction of a data center and a digital park in the Rhineland region were examined.…

Laufzeit: 2020–2020
Gesellschaftlich notwendige Dienstleistungen sicherstellen: Ist Arbeit am Gemeinwohl attraktiv?

To provide socially necessary services: Is working for the common good attractive?

GenDis investigates the social situation, occupational mobility and occupational motivation of service workers producing public goods. Particular attention is paid to occupations in which…

Laufzeit: 2019–2023
Die Auswirkungen von klimapolitischen Maßnahmen auf den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt

The impact of climate policy measures on the Austrian labour market

What are the consequences for the labour market if measures are taken to prevent from climate change and/or to adapt to climate change?" This is the central question to be answered within a…

Laufzeit: 2019–2020
Studie zum Gewerbeflächenbedarf in der Region Emscher-Lippe

Study on the need for commercial space in the Emscher-Lippe region

For the Chamber of Industry and Commerce North Westphalia and the Chamber of Crafts and Skilled Trades Münster, GWS investigates the quantitative and qualitative demand for commercial space in the…

Laufzeit: 2019–2020
Politikberatung für eine klimaresiliente Wirtschaftsentwicklung

Policy advice for climate-resilient economic development

Climate change has a substantial impact on economic growth and a country’s development. This increases the need for reliable and viable approaches to assessing the impact of climate risks and…

Laufzeit: 2019–2022
Vergleichende quantitative Datenanalyse für den Logistik- und E-Commerce-Sektor in Frankreich und Deutschland

Comparative Quantitative Data Analysis for Logistic and E-Commerce Sector in France and Germany

France and Germany are the core countries of the European union. Both are the steering wheel and engine for the European integration. Both countries are connected with a long history of rivalry.…

Laufzeit: 2019–2020

Longterm developments in qualification and occupation – modell calculation until 2050

The QuBe project group was formed in 2006 in order to map the requirements for future qualification levels and occupational fields in a targeted manner. It is made up of the Institute for…

Laufzeit: 2018–2026
Weiterentwicklung des BMAS-Fachkräftemonitorings

BMAS-Expert Monitoring: Development of an analytic tool to forecast the supply and demand of skilled workers in Germany

The QuBe project team ( has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) to develop an analytic tool that provides a reliable assessment of the…

Laufzeit: 2018–2020

Development Planning Training Course (June 3rd to 22nd 2018, Ulan Batar (Mongolei))

In course of the Economic Governance for Equitable Growth (EG4EG)-project, Anett Großmann and Frank Hohmann assisted the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in Mongolia. During a 3-weeks training in Ulan…

Laufzeit: 2018–2018

Meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability - quantifying synergies and trade-offs

The central issue of MeetPASS is to explore whether and to which extent achieving climate goals as foreseen in the Paris Agreement reinforces or potentially impedes reaching other sustainable…

Laufzeit: 2017–2019

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