
Anja Sonnenburg studied economics with an international focus at Bremen University of Applied Sciences and the University of Hertfordshire (UK) and completed a master's programme in social research at the University of Bremen. 

She has been working at GWS in the Economic and Social Affairs department since January 2014 – initially as a research assistant and later as a project manager. She has more than ten years of experience in the empirical study of industries and labour markets - both at national and regional level. 

Anja Sonnenburg works for the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on the monitoring of skilled workers. She works on the econometric forecasting and simulation model QINFORGE for modelling the German labour market. For the DSV/DSGV, she prepares medium-term sector analyses – including on the IT and electrical industry – which include quantitative and qualitative results on economic development.

In the area of labour market research, Ms Sonnenburg is responsible for the bottleneck occupational fields relating to care and health. To analyse current and future employment structures, she contributes modelling expertise through her knowledge of C++ and Visual Basics. She is also entrusted with the qualitative, interview-led development of the background knowledge of experts.

Research Interests

Economic Branch and Sector Analysis

Labour Market Analysis

Health and care

Regional Developments

Projects of Anja Sonnenburg

Implementation and realisation of BMG skilled worker monitoring
Auswertung der Umfrage der Stadt Osnabrück zum Pendelverhalten der Beschäftigten in der Region
Value added and employment in the Saarland hydrogen economy
Machbarkeitsstudie für ein langfristiges Monitoring von Gesundheitsberufen für das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
Work and qualification in the socio-ecological transformation
Study on commuter traffic in the city of Osnabrück
To provide socially necessary services: Is working for the common good attractive?
Study on the need for commercial space in the Emscher-Lippe region
BMAS-Expert Monitoring: Development of an analytic tool to forecast the supply and demand of skilled workers in Germany
Social Monitoring Frankfurt Airport and Region (SFR)
Prognose der Arbeitskräftenachfrage im Rahmen des Projektes „regio pro – Regionale Berufs- und Beschäftigungsprognosen in Hessen“
Business start-up activities in the energy sector
Regional employment forecast until 2030 and creation of a regional input-output-chart for Saxony
Qualification structures and needs of energy utilities adapting to the German Energiewende
Update of the regional employment projection for the Saarland
Nachfrageprognose im Rahmen des Projektes „regio pro“ – Flächendeckende Einführung des Frühinformationssystems zur Qualifikations- und Beschäftigungsentwicklung in Hessen
Aktualisierung der regionalen Beschäftigungsprojektion für Rheinland-Pfalz und dessen Regionen
Study on human resources development with regard to demographic change and the German Energiewende
Sportstätten im demografischen Wandel (engl.)
Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Branchen in Deutschland und potenzielle Rückwirkungen auf Hamburg
Sectoral analysis and forecasting

Publications of Anja Sonnenburg