Energy transition in Baden-Württemberg - New challenges for employment, skilled workers and qualification
Since the results on the quantitative and qualitative effects of the energy transition on employment and labour in Baden-Württemberg were compiled in 2016, the energy transition has developed further, such as the further increase in the proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources and the introduction of the national CO2 price. At the same time, the framework conditions of the energy market have changed significantly, with the cost of energy sources rising significantly in some cases. In addition, the shortage of skilled labour has clearly emerged in recent years and is now leading to a real shortage of labour capacity in many companies.
For the update of the study, the quantitative and qualitative effects of the energy transition on employment and work in Baden-Württemberg are once again analysed - this time supplemented by recommendations on how the corresponding demand for skilled workers can be met. The energy transition in Baden-Württemberg is also assessed in terms of industrial policy.
Following an analysis of the quantitative job effects and skilled labour requirements for the realisation of the energy transition by means of a macroeconomic analysis, the next step is a survey of the effects of the energy transition on work in companies in various key sectors by means of interviews. On this basis, firstly, the need for action in the field of labour market policy and qualification is derived and, secondly, the energy transition is evaluated from an industrial policy perspective, e.g. with regard to possibilities for supporting a positive development in the particularly energy-intensive economic sectors through state policy or the social partners.