
Dr. Britta Stöver graduated from Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn with a degree in economics, specialising in economic policy and econometrics. Between 2017 and 2020, she completed her doctorate on higher education policy issues at the Institute for Statistics at Leibniz University Hannover.

From 2007 to the end of 2016, she was responsible for economic and social issues in the areas of sector analysis, health and care, consumer behaviour and demographic change in the Economic and Social Affairs department of GWS. Since 2021, she has been working in the Energy and Climate department, focussing on climate change impacts and climate change adaptation as well as sustainability, and has been heading the department together with Christian Lutz since March 2022.

Her interests lie in applied modelling and the evaluation and visual processing of sustainability aspects in the economy, politics and the environment. She also designs dashboards with regional key figures for structural reporting for cities, municipalities, districts and regions in Germany.

Research Interests

Climate change impact and adaptation assessment

Sustainability indicators

Macroeconometric modelling

Data Science

Scenario analysis

Projects of Britta Stöver

Energy transition in Baden-Württemberg - New challenges for employment, skilled workers and qualification
Employment effects of future environmental protection measures
Data-based information systems for local decision-makers to assess the social and economic impact of the energy transition and structural change
Energising EU Cohesion
Impacts of climate change, climate mitigation and climate adaptation on the macroeconomic development in Germany
Fachkräftebedarf und -angebot in Osnabrück vor dem Hintergrund des Ausbaus des Lok-Viertels
Opportunities and risks of climate protection measures for the Saxony's economy
Provision of consultancy services to create a climate vulnerability and risk assessment of the Maltese economy
Integrated Assessment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Transformation Pathways towards a Resource-Efficient and Greenhouse-Gas-Neutral Germany (FKZ 3721 31 101 0, ReFoPlan)
The contribution of economic instruments to achieving climate mitigation targets: The role of government energy price components in the instrument mix
Costs of Climate Change Impacts in Germany
Bioeconomy in Europe and SDGs: Development, Constribution and Trade-offs
The structure of the market for long-term care in Germany and its potenial capacity
Sectoral economic modelling for integration into regional Earth system modelling – CSC Sectoral Modelling
Möglichkeiten der Darstellung der volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Pflege- und Seniorenwirtschaft
Household income project study
Sportstätten im demografischen Wandel (engl.)
Research project "Development of a model for medical care forecasting: modelling and simulation"
Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Branchen in Deutschland und potenzielle Rückwirkungen auf Hamburg
Verbundprojekt, Dritter Bericht zur sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland
Mitarbeit an der Erstellung von Stresstestszenarien – Pilot-Projekt in der Sparkasse Giessen
MaRisk_Teilprojekt: A1 sector shocks – impact of shocks in certain sectors on other sectors
Demografischer Wandel - Auswirkungen auf die Bauwirtschaft durch steigenden Bedarf an stationären und ambulanten Altenpflegeplätzen.
Assessment of the state of the art concerning the implementation of TSA in the Member States of the EU

Publications of Britta Stöver