
Frank Hohmann is partner of GWS. He studied business administration with a focus on business informatics at the University of Osnabrück, Germany (Diploma in 1994). He then was research assistant at the chair of information systems.

He joined the GWS mbH in 1999.

He is responsible for software development of the modeling framework, graphical user interfaces, data management and communication platforms. Moreover, he works as a consultant for partner organisations in Europe, Asia and Africa on the development of national macroeconomic models, e.g. for the Fundacion Tomillo (CEET), Madrid, Spain, Keio University, Tokio, Japan, INFORUM headquarters, Maryland, USA, Conningarth Economists, Pretoria, South Africa.

He also took part in projects sponsored by the European Commission such as “Modeling opportunities and limits for restructuring Europe towards sustainability” (2003 – 2006), “Detailed environmentally extended (EE) Input-Output (I-O) framework” (2006 – 2010) and “Support to the development of new generation models to estimate and forecast GHG emissions and efficiency of Russian climate change mitigation measures and policy” (2011).

Research Interests

Economic modelling software

Graphical user interfaces

Databank tools

Communication technology

Projects of Frank Hohmann

CRED II: Extension, update, and capacity building on e3. models in Georgia and Kazakhstan
Policy dialogue and knowledge management on climate protection and adaptation strategies in Mongolia and Uganda
Measuring Social & Employment Impacts of NDC policies using Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM) in Tunisia
Measuring Social and Employment Impacts of NDC policies using Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM) in Egypt
Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Low Emissions (DIAPOL-CE) – Climate-economy modelling in Algeria and Uganda
Modelling employment effects of climate-fiscal policies, developing a dynamic MRIO price model
Policy advice for climate-resilient economic development
Development Planning Training Course (June 3rd to 22nd 2018, Ulan Batar (Mongolei))
Energy-economy modelling with renewable energy scenarios
Development of analytical tools based on Input-Output table
Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030)
Weiterentwicklung des PANTA-RHEI-Modells
Aktualisierung und Erweiterung des EVA-Modells
Household income project study
Globally sustainable material prosperity standards
Policy Options for a Resource-Efficient Economy (POLFREE)
Development of a Russian economy-environment-emission-model ( for simulation and projection
Weiterentwicklung des PANTA-RHEI-Modells
Development and implementation of a model to be used for economic impact assessment of regulatory decisions taken by NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa)
Entwicklung und Bereitstellung des Anwendermodells PANTA RHEI zur Abschätzung der Wirkungen umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen und Instrumente
Differenzierte regionale und überregionale Analysen der nachhaltigen Raum- und Siedlungsentwicklung
Analyse und Modellierung der Energieverbrauchsentwicklung
Development of a macro-econometric forecasting and simulation model

Publications of Frank Hohmann