Dr. Anett Großmann is working for GWS since 2004. Since 2017 she is part of the division "Economic and Social Affairs". She has studied economics at the University of Leipzig (Diploma) and obtained her PhD at the University of Osnabrueck.
Ms. Großmann has considerable experience in the development and application of E3 (economy, energy, environment) models to analyze the impacts of economic, environmental and climate policy measures on the macroeconomy, structural change, and employment. She applies her knowledge to projects in Europe (e.g. in Austria with the model, in Germany with the model PANTA RHEI), Asia (e.g. Russia with, Kazakhstan with, recently also in Africa (e.g. Rwanda) and also at global level with the model GINFORS_E (Global INterindustry FORecasting System).
One important field of her work is capacity building on the development and application of Excel-based E3 models with the DIOM-X (Dynamic Input-Output Models in Excel) modeling framework, especially in Asian and African countries.
Research Interests
Development of macroeconometric input-output models and E3 models (incl. capacity building)
Socio-economic impact assessment of climate change, climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation measures
Sector analysis and structural change
Projects of Anett Großmann
Publications of Anett Großmann