Alice Philippi studied Economics and Public Law (B.Sc.) at the University of Potsdam and completed her Master's degree in Economics (M.Sc.) at the University of Osnabrück. Her studies focused on economic policy as well as environmental and behavioral economics.
During her studies, Ms. Philippi worked as a student assistant at GWS, assisting with report writing, literature management, and literature and data research. Since then, she has been supporting the project "Integrated Assessment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Transformation Pathways towards a Resource-Efficient and Greenhouse-Gas-Neutral Germany" (FKZ 3721 31 101 0, ReFoPlan).
Ms. Philippi has been employed as a research associate at GWS since May 2023.
Research Interests
Sustainable consumption
Resource use
Projects of Alice Philippi
Publications of Alice Philippi