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Our figure of the month for Christmas 2019: Short-term employment at Christmas 2019

Social gathering with a warming cup of punch, the smell of roasted almonds and lovely "Last Christmas": Christmas markets are very popular in Germany. They are an important source of sales for the retail trade and for the "retail trade on…

The GWS at the second German-Algerian Energy Day

The second German Algerian Energy Day was held under the framework of the German-Algerian Energy Partnership. Ulrike Lehr participated in the opening session, together with Ellen von Zitzewitz (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and…

Our figure of the month 12/2019: Tourism boom in Germany

Highest intensity on the coasts, but hospitality industry profits most in the cities and in Bavaria

Tourism in Germany is enjoying a sustained boom, which is currently making the hospitality industry an important pillar of economic growth…

New publication on value creation from renewable energy in MENA

UNDP published the results of an analysis by TTA (Spain), All Green Energies, Moneera and GWS about the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Lebanon. The publication may be downloaded from the CEDRO-UNDP website.

The impact of climate policy measures on the Austrian labour market

New project on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection in Austria

What are the consequences for the labour market if measures are taken to prevent from climate change and/or to adapt to…

Study on the need for commercial space in the Emscher-Lippe region

For the Chamber of Industry and Commerce North Westphalia and the Chamber of Crafts and Skilled Trades Münster, GWS investigates the quantitative and qualitative demand for commercial space in the Emscher-Lippe region. It deals with the…

Our figure of the month 11/2019: The construction sector – the support of the German economy

Development of building permits, construction completions and the accumulated construction backlog for new residential buildings and existing housing

Despite all reports about an economic crisis, the building industry in Germany continues…

To provide socially necessary services: Is working for the common good attractive?

GenDis project to start in November 2019

GenDis investigates the social situation, occupational mobility and occupational motivation of service workers producing public goods. The study pays particular attention to occupations in which…

ILO training centre launched in South Africa

GWS is a partner institute of the Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Ulrike Lehr held the first courses at the first training centre for measuring the economic effects of the…

Our figure of the month 10/2019: Busy at the borders

Truck traffic continues to increase

Every year, more than 40 million trucks cross Germany's borders on motorways. Since last year, border crossings on federal highways have also been recorded, so that the total number of motor vehicles…

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