[Translate to English:] Arbeit und Qualifizierung in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation

Work and qualification in the socio-ecological transformation

The transition to a greenhouse gas-neutral economy will pose different challenges to sectors and professions in terms of labour demand depending on the region. The very heterogeneous changes in…

Laufzeit: 2022–2024

Support for the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in the creation and operation of the data portal "BERUFE- UND KOMPETENZRADAR (RADAR)"

GWS is supporting the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in the planning and creation of an online information and data portal for the German labour and training market…

Laufzeit: 2021–2025
Labor demand and labor supply along the "hydrogen" value chain

Labor demand and labor supply along the "hydrogen" value chain

Hydrogen and the associated use of synthetic energy sources will play a key role in achieving climate targets. As so-called "game changer", hydrogen technologies will significantly simplify the…

Laufzeit: 2021–2025


Business locations must constantly develop further in order to survive in the competition between locations. In order to be able to set the right impulses, decision-makers must have comprehensive…

Laufzeit: 2021
Arbeitsmarkteffekte eines klimaneutralen Entwicklungspfades bis 2030

Labor market effects of a climate-neutral development path by 2030

The aim of the project is to estimate how the implementation of the measures required to achieve a climate-neutral economy by 2050 will affect employment. The employment effects are calculated up…

Laufzeit: 2021–2021
Weiterentwicklung des BMAS-Fachkräftemonitorings

Further development of the BMAS-Expert Monitoring

In the area of securing skilled labor, forecasts on future developments in the labor market and Germany's economic structure are of particular importance.

The BMAS Expert Monitoring was set up for…

Laufzeit: 2021–2024

Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Low Emissions (DIAPOL-CE) – Climate-economy modelling in Algeria and Uganda

Uganda and Algeria have committed to take climate action by ratifying the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to the goal to limit global average temperature increase well below 2°C.


Laufzeit: 2021–2022

Digital Transition System – Observation of the Technical Transition within the Research Project "Polarization II".

In this project, an evaluation grid is analyzed with indicators that can favor or inhibit technological change. The position in the value chain, the divisibility or duplicability of the service,…

Laufzeit: 2020–2022

Study on commuter traffic in the city of Osnabrück

What is the current commuting situation in the city of Osnabrück and how has it developed in recent years? Empirical evaluations of commuter traffic are carried out with regard to both the current…

Laufzeit: 2020–2022

Regional economic impact of the construction of a data center and a digital park in the Rhenish mining area

In this study, the direct, indirect and income-induced effects on employment and gross value added from the construction of a data center and a digital park in the Rhineland region were examined.…

Laufzeit: 2020–2020

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