Economic and Social Affairs
Our services cover the analysis and projections of macroeconomic data for decision-makers of public and private organisations. The projects of the division comprise the following Research Areas: Business Cycle, Economic Acitivities and International Trade, Labour Market, Health and Long-term Care and Demographic and Socioeconomic Development.
Our work is based on the macroeconomic modelling of empirical data from official statistics on a national as well as a regional level.
Global Developments and Resources
At the heart of the department’s analytical work is the multi-regional input-output simulation model GINFORS model. The model permits wide-ranging ex ante as well as ex post simulation studies, particularly on globally-relevant topics in areas such as global developments and resource use. In the satellite accounts field, we also set up additional econometric data systems for specific interdisciplinary social fields, such as sport.

Our figure of the month February 2024
Expansion of production capacities for green hydrogen is lagging behind
In the update of the National Hydrogen Strategy, the target of 10 GW of electrolysis capacity for the production of green hydrogen by 2030 was confirmed. However, according to the IEA's hydrogen project database as of October 2024, only around 120 MW – or 0.12 GW – are ...