Research Areas
The department provides services in the area of "global developments", "resources" and "satellite accounts".

Global Developments
Our research on "Global Developments" is based on Multi-Regional Input-Output analyses (MRIO) and applied econometrics. For ex-ante simulation studies, the global simulation model GINFORS developed by GWS…

In the past, global economic growth has been accompanied by a continuous increase in global resource use. It is generally recognised that more sustainable use of natural resources (raw materials, land and…

Satellite Accounts
Identifying the economic significance of and developments in an interdisciplinary social and economic field such as sport, health or tourism from official and non-official statistics is not a simple…

Sustainable Development
The indicator Raw Material Consumption (RMC) is not only a key reporting variable for assessing the global use of primary raw materials for consumption and investment purposes in Germany, but also an…