Development and application of analytical tool based on Input-Output table

The aim of the project is the (further) development of an analytical tool based on Input-Output table to evaluate effects of possible governmental programs supporting the development of the…

Laufzeit: 2017

Social Monitoring Frankfurt Airport and Region (SFR)

Social monitoring observes the socio-spatial structure of the Rhine-Main region and its development in order to enable statements to be made about the socio-economic effects of Frankfurt Airport…

Laufzeit: 2016–2018

The structure of the market for long-term care in Germany and its potenial capacity

The aim of this project is to identify challenges of the market for long-term care and to offer applicable policy options. An in-depth analysis on the current structure of the long-term care…

Laufzeit: 2016–2016

Regional employment forecast until 2030 and creation of a regional input-output-chart for Saxony

By using the econometric models of the GWS this project forecasts the future number of employees and the industry structure in Saxony and…

Laufzeit: 2016–2017

Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030)

Chile owns almost 30% of the global copper reserves and its mining is of major importance to the national economy. Due to this the international economic development has a big influence on Chile’s…

Laufzeit: 2016–2019

Development of analytical tools based on Input-Output table

The aim of the project is the development of an analytical tool to assess the gains and losses of possible state programs supporting the development of the private sector of the Tajik economy.


Laufzeit: 2016–2017

Sustainable Economic Development

The aim of this project is to develop a manual for practitioners to guide them in conducting ex-ante impact assessment studies. The manual describes the procedural and analytical steps necessary…

Laufzeit: 2015–2015

Update of the regional employment projection for the Saarland

The GWS has generated a long-term projection of employment for the Saarland, one of the 16 German Federal States, depicting the development of total employment and in individual sectors up to the…

Laufzeit: 2015–2015

Palestine Labour Forecast

The aim of the project is to build in collaboration with the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and representatives of centres of excellence an analytical instrument that produces…

Laufzeit: 2014–2014

Aktualisierung der regionalen Beschäftigungsprojektion für Rheinland-Pfalz und dessen Regionen

Projections for regions gain importance to support local stakeholders in their decision processes. In 2007, a labour market projection until 2025 for the Federal Land Rheinland-Pfalz and its five…

Laufzeit: 2014–2014

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