Our figure of the month
In today's information age we are surrounded by an almost infinite amount of data. Each month, the GWS-WiSo-team selects a particularly interesting economic and/or social topic or question from the multitude of available information, which is highlighted as the "number of the month". The current number as well as the earlier numbers of the month can be found here.
Our figure of the month 10/2022: No water shortages expected from hydrogen production in Germany
Our figure of the month 07/2022: Electric boom and lull in charging stations
Our figure of the month 04/2022: Private consumption over the last 30 years
Our figure of the month for New Year's Eve 2021: Price explosion in wholesale
Our figure of the month for Christmas 2021: Let them eat goose
Our figure of the month 11/2021: Share of electric cars in all passenger cars
Our figure of the month 09/2021: Trade flows between EU and MERCOSUR countries
Our figure of the month 08/2021: Organic farming
Our figure of the month 07/2021: The Dependency Ratio
Our figure of the month 05/2021: Covid-19 significantly changes household consumption patterns
Our figure of the month 04/2021: Housing in eastern Germany is be-coming more and more expensive
Our figure of the month 03/2021: Sales in hospitality industry drop up to 50% in 2020
Our figure of the month 02/2021: Regional wealth effects of vehicle manufacturing
Our figure of the month for New Year's Eve 2020: Boom year for online retailing
Our figure of the month for Christmas 2020: Pedestrian frequencies in Osnabrück at Christmas
Our figure of the month 12/2020: RCEP – today already trade focus
Our figure of the month 10/2020: Are socially necessary services breaking away in the countryside?
Our figure of the month 09/2020: Corona affects regions differently – what about resilience?
Our figure of the month 08/2020: Abrupt end of the boom in the accommodation sector due to Corona
Our figure of the month 07/2020: Implications of COVID-19 pandemic on wholesale selling prices
Our figure of the month 05/2020: COVID-19 – the regional importance of the hospitality industry
Our figure of the month 04/2020: COVID-19 and the hospitality industry
Our figure of the month 03/2020: Supply gaps in inpatient care?
Our figure of the month 01/2020: Outlook 2020
Our figure of the month for Christmas 2019: Short-term employment at Christmas 2019
Our figure of the month 12/2019: Tourism boom in Germany
Our figure of the month 11/2019: The construction sector – the support of the German economy
Our figure of the month 10/2019: Busy at the borders
Our figure of the month 09/2019: Regional importance of the mining sector in Chile
Our figure of the month 08/2019: The dominance in trade
Our figure of the month 07/2019: Chile's importance for e-mobility
Our figure of the month 05/2019: Living in Bavaria becomes more expensive
Our figure of the month 05/2019: The triangularity of world export flows
Our figure of the month 04/2019: Rapid increase in the need for long-term care in Germany
Our figure of the month 03/2019: Export flows between Germany and Africa in imbalance
Our figure of the month 01/2019: Outlook 2019
Our figure of the month at New Year's Eve 2018: How frosty or rainy was the party outside?
Our figure of the month for Christmas 2018: Santa Claus has to go to that many children in one night
Our figure of the month 12/2018: Are Germany's regions attractive for foreign specialists?
Our figure of the month 11/2018: Export volume to Africa – China's dominance
Our figure of the month 10/2018: German-African export relation
Our figure of the month 08/2018: Change in the labour force by district type and gender
Our figure of the month 07/2018: Housing situation of tenants and owners by household size
Our figure of the month 06/2018: Influence of the Men's World Cup on beverages retail trade
Our figure of the month 05/2018: EMAS registered organisations in Germany
Our figure of the month 04/2018: Regional distribution of pig farms and pig stock
Our figure of the month 03/2018: Wholesale turnover increases, but not for all wholesale sections
Our figure of the month 01/2018: GWS expects economic growth to range between 1.75 and 2.00% in 2018
Our figure of the month at New Year's Eve 2017: New Year’s Eve continues to get more expensive
Our figure of the month at Christmas 2017: Roast or biscuits – what's the favourite for X-mas?
Our figure of the month 12/2017: Demand for environment-related professionals in Germany in 2016
Our figure of the month 11/2017: Regional distribution of ICT sections in 2016
Our figure of the month 10/2017: Company demographics
Our figure of the month 09/2017: Continuous increase in backlog in construction
Our figure of the month 07/2017: Still on your way or already working?
Our figure of the month 06/2017: How “bad” are the Germans really?
Our figure of the month 02/2017: Mountains and valleys in housing construction
Our figure of the month 01/2017: Outlook 2017
Our figure of the month for New Year's Eve 2016: Germans like it loud
Our figure of the month for Christmas 2016: More x-mas tree for less money
Our figure of the month 12/16: Holiday in Germany is hot again
Our figure of the month 11/16: World urbanization and reurbanization in Germany
Our figure of the month 09/16: Is Germany an immigration country?
Our figure of the month 08/16: Less income taxes cause more inequality
Our figure of the month 07/16: The BREXIT case – what does it mean for Germany?
Our figure of the month 05/16: Reduced price dynamics in the real estate market
Our figure of the month 04/16: Industry create jobs
Our figure of the month 03/16: Minijobs are declining
Our figure of the month 02/16: Immigration will decrease in the long run
Our figure of the month for New Year's Eve 2015: 4 trillion bubbles until New Year's Eve
Our figure of the month 11/2015: Latent risk of German exports
Our figure of the month 10/2015: increasing backlog in the construction sector