Our figure of the month

In today's information age we are surrounded by an almost infinite amount of data. Each month, the GWS-WiSo-team selects a particularly interesting economic and/or social topic or question from the multitude of available information, which is highlighted as the "number of the month". The current number as well as the earlier numbers of the month can be found here.

An vocational training promises 35% higher earnings

In August, many people in Germany will start their vocational training. The Federal Statistical Office's earnings survey shows that vocational qualifications pay off in the long term. According to this survey, a completed vocational…

Ten million employees could benefit from the minimum wage increase on 1 January 2024

A general statutory minimum wage has been in force in Germany since 1 January 2015, which sets the minimum wage for employees in all sectors and occupations. On 1 January 2024, it will increase to €12.40 gross per hour, having last been…

Median wages on spatial planning regions

For the analysis of wage developments, the Federal Employment Agency evaluates the medians of the monthly gross wages of full-time employees subject to social insurance at the place of work at the end of the year. At the regional level,…

Employees affected by a peatland restoration project

The drained moors in Germany emit as many emissions annually as the entire German air traffic. For centuries, peatlands have been drained to meet the growing demand for settlement and agricultural land [1]. Systematic drainage has led to…

Demand for environmental professionals in Germany 2021

The consequences of climate change are increasingly being felt in Germany. It is estimated that since 2000, damage caused by climate change impacts in Germany has averaged 6.6 billion euros per year. The floods in the Ahr valley and the…

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