Frederik Parton studied International Economics at the University of Paderborn and graduated with a Master of Science in 2009.
After graduating, he was initially employed as a project manager at the “Regionalmarketinginitiative Münsterland e.V.”, where he implemented the "Regionales Entwicklungskonzept Münsterland". From 2012 to 2018, he worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Applied Statistics and Empirical Social Research at the FernUniversität in Hagen.
Since April 2018, Mr. Parton has been working at GWS in the area of "Economy and Social Affairs". His areas of responsibility include the empirical study of industries and labor markets at both the regional and national levels.
In the field of industry analysis, Mr. Parton is particularly responsible for the finishing trades industry. He is also part of the QuBe project team focusing on labor market research. Here he is involved, for example, in the preparation of the skilled labor monitoring for the BMAS. Furthermore, Mr. Parton is involved in the development and updating of the INFORGE model as well as the regional model QMORE.
Research Interests
Industry analysis
Labor market
Regional emphasis