Sportstätten im demografischen Wandel

Sportstätten im demografischen Wandel (engl.)

In diesem Forschungsauftrag für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) wurde gemeinsam von 2hm und GWS eine quantitative Abschätzung der Auswirkung des demografischen Wandels…

Laufzeit: 2013–2014
Modelle, Potenziale und Langfristszenarien für Ressourceneffizienz (SimRess)

Modelle, Potenziale und Langfristszenarien für Ressourceneffizienz (SimRess)

The SimRess project analyzes the potential effectiveness of policy measures and mixes in the field of resource policy. Considering a time horizon through 2050, the project will interpret model…

Laufzeit: 2013–2016
Consultation of the National Statistical Institute of Kazakhstan concerning the paractical implementation of satellite accounts for tourism and health

Consultation of the National Statistical Institute of Kazakhstan concerning the paractical implementation of satellite accounts for tourism and health

Advice and support to the Kazakh National Statistical Institute concerning the practical implementation of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and a Health Satellite Account (HSA) on the basis of…

Laufzeit: 2013–2014
Aktualisierung des Sportsatellitenkontos (Monitoring SSK)

Updating the German Sport Satellite Accounts (Monitoring SSA)

In this research contract for the Federal Institute of Sports Science (BISp) the market research institute 2hm (Mainz) and the GWS jointly update the German Sport Satellie Accounts (SSA) bienniall…

Laufzeit: 2013–2018
Tool Supported Development for Regional Adaptation (ToPDAd)

Tool Supported Development for Regional Adaptation (ToPDAd)

Adaptation in the face of climate change is currently a major challenge, not only in the EU, but all around the world. Climate change has two distinct characters: the slower trends in climatic…

Laufzeit: 2012–2015
Global nachhaltige materielle Wohlstandsniveaus – Analyse und Veranschaulichung global nachhaltiger materieller Versorgungsgrade auf der Ebene von Haushalten

Globally sustainable material prosperity standards

On behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) the research project „Global nachhaltige materielle Wohlstandsniveaus“ analysed material needs for German households’ spending on durable…

Laufzeit: 2012–2015
CECILIA2050: Combining Policy Instruments to Achieve Europe's 2050 Climate Targets

Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development (CECILIA 2050)

The CECILIA2050 project analyses the performance of existing climate policy instruments and their interaction, and maps pathways for the evolution of the instrument mix in Europe. It describes…

Laufzeit: 2012–2015
Politikoptionen für eine ressourceneffiziente Wirtschaft (POLFREE)

Policy Options for a Resource-Efficient Economy (POLFREE)

The POLFREE project is about policies to improve resource efficiency. The first question which needs to be answered in order to motivate the project is why resources have been and are being used…

Laufzeit: 2012–2016
Analyse der Ressourcenpolitik Deutschlands (PolRess)

Analysing the German Resource Policy (PolRess)

Natural resources are finite and their extractions and uses are often associated with environmental impacts. Thus, over the next decades, significant and lasting increases in resource efficiency…

Laufzeit: 2012–2015
TSA implementation consultation to the National Bureau of Statistics in Turkey

TSA implementation consultation to the National Bureau of Statistics in Turkey

The main aim of the consultancy mission was the general introduction and explanation of the TSA-RMF methodology and the analysis of the future tasks in the national TSA-implementation process…

Laufzeit: 2011–2011

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