Stöver, B. (2013)
The power of elderly consumers – How demographic change affects the economy through private household demand in Germany.
Bahn-Walkowiak, B., Distelkamp, M., Meyer, M. & Bleischwitz, R. (2012)
Taxing construction minerals: a contribution to a resource-efficient Europe.
Ulrich, P., Distelkamp, M. & Lehr, U. (2012)
Employment Effects of Renewable Energy Expansion on a Regional Level – First Results of a Model-Based Approach for Germany.
Meyer, B., Distelkamp, M. & Meyer, M. (2012)
Modeling green growth and resource efficiency: new results.
Beck, N. & Meyer, M. (2012)
Modeling team performance.
Frank-Stocker, A., Großmann, A., Wolter, M. I. & Madlener, R. (2011)
Sustainable energy development in Austria until 2020: Insights from applying the integrated model "".
Stöver, B., Szlachetka, R. & Ulrich, P. (2011)
Der Einzelhandel und die für ihn relevante Kaufkraft im regionalen Fokus.
Mönnig, A. & Stöver, B. (2010)
Change in Private Consumption Expenditure and its Consequences for the Economy – How Important is the Purchase of Cars?
Maringer, Dietmar G. & Meyer, M. (2008)
Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models – New Approaches to the Model Selection Problem.
Meyer, M. & Winker, P. (2005)
Using HP Filtered Data for Econometric Analysis: Some Evidence from Monte Carlo Simulations.

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