A multi-regional environmental input-output model to quantify embodied material flows.
Assessing the impact of the FIFA World CupTM 2006 in Germany – some methodological and empirical reflections.
Material Efficiency and Economic-Environmental Sustainability.
Environmental, economic and employment effects of resource savings in Austria.
Abbildung exogenen technischen Fortschritts in Ökonomiemodellen.
Preisabhängiger technischer Fortschritt in Energiewirtschaftsmodellen.
Einzelhandel und Verkehr – Ergebnisse einer Multiagentensimulation von Konsumentenentscheidungen.
Das integrierte Umwelt-Energie-Wirtschafts-Modell e3.at (Environment - Energy - Economy - Austria).
Methodological aspects of preparing the German TSA, empirical findings and initial reactions.
The Contribution of Tourism to Employment in Germany - Assessment within a TSA Employment Module and Impact Analysis.