Möglichkeiten der Darstellung der volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Pflege- und Seniorenwirtschaft
The project constists of a feasabilty study. The aim is to provide a set of different possibilites to measure the economic importance of the silver economy. As the term "silver economy" is neither clear cut nor part of any international classification system a definition is given. Available statistical information is analysed considering on the one hand differentitation opportunities and on the other hand the economic content of the silver economy. Given the available data base different quantification methods are proposed. The offered set of measures for the silver economy was finally assessed considering the usability for impact analysis, the evaluation of policy measures etc.
Ahlert, G., Stöver, B. & Wolter, M. I.
Möglichkeiten der Darstellung der volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Pflege- und Seniorenwirtschaft.
Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) Projekt-Nr. 23/14,

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