Meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability - quantifying synergies and trade-offs

The central issue of MeetPASS is to explore whether and to which extent achieving climate goals as foreseen in the Paris Agreement reinforces or potentially impedes reaching other sustainable development goals (SDGs). By conducting an integrated model-based scenario analysis including stakeholders and experts, the economic, environmental but foremost social and equality impacts of a transition to a low-carbon-society will be analysed from a global as well as Austrian perspective.
The project is jointly conducted by SERI (Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Wien) and GWS. SERI is mainly responsible for the scenario development and GWS for the scenario analysis with the Austrian model and the global model GINFORS.
This project is funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund as part of the „Austrian Climate Research Programme – ACRP 9th Call“.

Großmann, A., Mönnig, A., Wolter, M. I., Bernardt, F. & Frank-Stocker, A. (2019): Evaluation von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen mit dem Modell meetPASS: meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability – Working Paper No. 5, Osnabrück.
Frank-Stocker, A., Distelkamp, M., Großmann, A., Shields, K. & Hinterberger, F. (2019): Development of the meetPASS Mitigation Scenario. meetPASS: meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability – Working Paper No. 3, Wien.
Frank-Stocker, A. & Großmann, A. (2019): Evaluation von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen mit dem Modell meetPASS: meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability – Working Paper No. 6, Wien.
Frank-Stocker, A., Distelkamp, M., Großmann, A., Bernardt, F. & Hinterberger, F. (2018): Selection of suitable SDG indicators for the evaluation of climate mitigation scenarios. meetPASS: meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability – Working Paper No. 1, Wien.
Frank-Stocker, A., Distelkamp, M., Meyer, M. & Hinterberger, F. (2018): Analysis of the global meetPASS Mitigation Scenario. meetPASS: meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability – Working Paper No. 4, Wien.