"BEniVer": Accompanying research for the funding initiative "Energy Transition in Transport": developing options for research, development, production, and market launch of alternative fuels

The accompanying scientific research project "BEniVer" comprehensively analyses the development of alternative fuels. The aim is to network the 15 technical research projects of the funding initiative with more than 100 participating research groups and industrial partners, to exploit synergy potentials and to make the project results comparable. The project focuses on interdisciplinary analyses of technical, environmental, economic, and social impacts.
The accompanying research is conducted by six research institutions under the direction of the German Aerospace Center on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. In particular, GWS will work on the industrial and macroeconomic evaluation of various options.

Becker, L. & Lutz, C. (2019): Infrastruktur des Kraftstoffmarktes – Elemente, Kosten, Anlagenbestand. Working Paper, im Rahmen des BEniVer-Projektes.