Impact Assessment of the climate protection plan in North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

The federal state North-Rhine-Westphalia, the most populated in Germany, is currently developing a climate protection plan. Wuppertal Institute has developed the physical framework in a participative framework together with working groups of the most relevant stakeholders (industry, transport, households and utility companies). The impact assessment evaluates impacts of the climate protection strategies on energy security, the environment, social aspects and the economy. A particular focus lies on the evaluation of employment effects. GWS contributes economic modelling results regarding the overall economic effects and employment effects by economic sector.

Lehr, U., Lutz, C., Hobohm, J., Ackermann, T., Anders, N., Hackmann, T., Kirchner, A., Knittel, T., Koepp, M., Krämer, L., Lühr, O., Peter, F., Sakowski, F., Struwe, J., Straßburg, S., Thamling, N., Martensen, N. & Untsch, S. (2014): Entwicklung und Durchführung einer Impactanalyse für den Klimaschutzplan Nordrhein-Westfalen. [zitiert als Prognos, Energynautics & GWS (2014)] , Studie im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz (NRW), Berlin.