Green Economy: Measuring sustainable welfare using System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) data

The project contributes to measurement of progress towards Green Economy. Based on a synopsis of relevant measurement concepts it identifies deficits of available concepts and develops suggestions for an adequate indicator system. The concept to measure the Green Economy consists of six different dimensions. For each dimension the concept includes indicators that can be generated from available data and in part have characteristics of desirable indicators. The concept is tested for Germany using scenario analysis with regard to the energy transition. Potentials for their further development lie in an improved future data provision, as well as in an adequate presentation of the empirical results to stakeholders.

Bauer, S., Ulrich, P., Thobe, I., Lehr, U. & Wolter, M. I. (2021): Konjunktureller Beitrag des Baugewerbes Umwelt, Innovation, Beschäftigung 02/2021, Dessau-Roßlau.
Bauer, S., Thobe, I., Wolter, M. I., Zika, G., Röttger, C., Helmrich, R., Schandock, M., Mohaupt, F. & Müller, R. (2021): Branchen und Berufe für den Übergang in eine Green Economy. Umwelt, Innovation, Beschäftigung 03/2021, Dessau-Roßlau.
Mohaupt, F., Bauer, S. & Thobe, I. (2017): Die Innovationsdynamik in der „Grünen Wirtschaft“. Gutachten für die Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90 / die Grünen, Berlin.
Lutz, C., Drosdowski, T. & Zieschank, R. (2015): Measuring transformation towards a green economy in Germany. GWS Discussion Paper 15/3, Osnabrück.