Detailed economic analysis of individual policy instruments and measures for climate change adaptation

Within the project, the following research questions are answered:

To what extent can adaptation measures and instruments reduce the expected damage costs caused by climate change and what are the associated costs?

What are the interactions between the measures and policy instruments of climate adaptation, and what are the impacts on other policies (reinforcement and mitigation effects), and where are the set-screws?

How can economic analysis approaches be used to identify appropriate policy instruments for climate adaptation?

What overall economic effects do the measures and policy instruments for climate adaptation generate for growth, employment and regional as well as sectoral value added and, in an expanded perspective, what relevant other social effects are generated?

What is the cost of the adjustment to the federal, state, municipalities, enterprises, owners and users of land and buildings under the given responsibilities, and what expected damage costs can each be reduced by these actors?

Lehr, U., Flaute, M., Ahmann, L., Nieters, A., Hirschfeld, J., Welling, M., Wolff, C., Gall, A., Kersting, J., Mahlbacher, M. & von Möllendorff, Ch. (2020): Vertiefte ökonomische Analyse einzelner Politikinstrumente und Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Abschlussbericht. UBA Climate Change 43/2020, Dessau-Roßlau.