Scenarios climate study - Bavarian Business Council for the Future
An interdisciplinary Prognos team, supported by EconSight, GWS and TwinEconomics, investigated the subject of climate change and climate protection for the Bavarian Business Council for the Future. GWS used the GINFORS-E model to quantify 4 scenarios that illustrate the macroeconomic and sectoral effects of different climate mitigation ambitions. The transformation can take place without negative consequences for the German economy. Positive economic effects are expected, above all, if climate protection is implemented in a globally uniform approach (moreover, the costs of climate change are lowest then).
Burret, H., Kirchner, A., Schlesinger, M., Gramke, K., Spuck, J., Lutz, C., Banning, M., Lehr, U., Wolter, M. I., Bertenrath, R., Fritsch, M., Kleissner, A., Lichtblau, K., Schade, P., Zink, B. & Bauer, S.
Klima 2030 – nachhaltige Innovationen.
Studie im Auftrag der Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V.,

Contracting Entity:
Cooperation Partner:
Prognos, EconSight, TwinEconomics
Project Team Members: