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Price shock without effect: olive oil defies inflation

In contrast to the development of the general consumer price index, olive oil prices have risen massively over the past year. This is due to poor harvests caused by the weather and increased production costs in the countries where the oil…

Urban versus rural consumption patterns

Private household consumption is a key driver of the German economy and reflects the living conditions and needs of the population. Consumer behavior strongly depends on the income situation of households and the respective settlement…

With high demands also come higher weekly working hours

As part of our July 2024 figure of the month, we looked at the differences in earnings between the level of requirements by industry as a small but sometimes significant decision criterion for the choice of training and the associated…

An vocational training promises 35% higher earnings

In August, many people in Germany will start their vocational training. The Federal Statistical Office's earnings survey shows that vocational qualifications pay off in the long term. According to this survey, a completed vocational…

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – status quo?

In February of this year, the German government adopted a carbon management strategy that regulates the storage (CCS) and use (CCU) of CO2 for the first time. The background to this is the realization that in certain sectors, CO2

Energy costs for households are still high – the savings potential is not being fully utilized

Private households consume energy primarily in the form of natural gas for space heating and electricity for process heating and cooling (washing and cooking as well as cooling and freezing), lighting and information and communication…

Are single-family homes more affordable due to the price decline?

After property prices for a decade only knew one direction, they experienced a turnaround from the late summer of 2022 on. This was primarily due to the end of the ECB's zero interest rate policy and the subsequent continuous sharp rise…

Transformation industries in the region

Germany is facing the challenge of a profound socio-ecological transformation. Climate change, the scarcity of resources and the loss of biodiversity require a fundamental change in our society and economy in order to shape a sustainable…

MEFMI-GIZ Webinar: Using Macroeconomic Models for Assessing Climate Change Adaptation Measures on National Economies

Anett Großmann and Frank Hohmann are delighted to accept MEFMI's (Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa) invitation to present the use of macroeconomic models to analyze the economic impacts posed…

Prices for building materials remain at a high level

The construction industry, one of the most important sectors of the domestic economy, is currently in crisis. According to the Ifo Institute's business climate indicator, sentiment in the construction industry continued to deteriorate in…

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