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We are looking for student employees (m/f/d)!

We are looking for a student as a student assistant for 20 hrs/month from March 2022.


  • Support with R programming activities
  • Dashboard development
  • Data processing
  • Methodological support
  • Data crunching


  • Programm…

Our figure of the month 02/2022: The bicycle boom is catching on with commuters – 10% have taken up cycling or e-bikes since the pandemic

Shares of cars and public transport declining

In Germany, millions of working people commute between home and work every day. Despite the past two Covid years, the trend toward commuting is unbroken and the number of commuters continues…

Labor demand and labor supply along the "hydrogen" value chain

Hydrogen and the associated use of synthetic energy sources will play a key role in achieving climate targets. As so-called "game changer", hydrogen technologies will significantly simplify the energy transition and also make it more…

Policy Brief on Climate Change Adaptation of Infrastructure in Kazakhstan published

The macroeconomic effects of adaptation measures for building and transportation infrastructure were quantified using the model. Specifically, the impacts of the measures "(Re-)construction of storm-proofed buildings", "’Green Belt’…

Proceedings of the international conference on "Problems of forecasting socio-economic and scientific-technical development in the context of global climate change" published

Dr. Christian Lutz presented the first results from the BMWi-funded project Low Carbon Leakage at the international conference, which took place in Russia and online in November 2021. The presentation "Socio-economic impacts of ambitious…

Our figure of the month 01/2022: Electricity consumption – today, tomorrow and the contribution of hydrogen

Gross electricity consumption was 577 TWh in 2019 ([1]; the values for 2020 are not used in the following version due to the distortion caused by the Corona crisis). The old German government still assumed an almost unchanged electricity…

Politikberatung für eine klimaresiliente Wirtschaftsentwicklung

Policy Briefs on Climate Change and Adaptation in Agriculture and Tourism in Georgia published as part of the CRED project

The macro-econometric model for Georgia developed jointly by GWS and our partners in Georgia has been applied to quantify the economy-wide impacts of climate change adaptation. The results for the agriculture sector and for tourism

Our figure of the month for New Year's Eve 2021: Price explosion in wholesale

Wholesale prices developed mainly in one direction this year – upwards. Almost all wholesale segments are affected, in particular other wholesale (+24.7% year-on-year January–November 2020), which includes "Wholesale of waste and scrap"…

Our figure of the month for Christmas 2021: Let them eat goose

Christmas is often celebrated at a well-set table, with plenty of everything, rich of flavor and choice, lately occasionally vegetarian. However, traditional Christmas roasts rely on an essential animal ingredient. And the production of…

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