Extension of the model calculations on the future labour demand by occupation and qualification until 2030

Entwicklung eines endogenisierten Ausgleichsmechanismus zwischen erlerntem und ausgeübtem Beruf im Rahmen des QuBe-Projektes.

Laufzeit: 2012–2014

Update and advancement of the BIBB-DEMOS model

A new baseline scenario was generated with the updated BIBB-DEMOS model. Preperations were made to allow for the integration of the population projection of the FIT model. Further, scenarios and…

Laufzeit: 2012–2014

Projection of labour supply until 2025

Updated by new data from the micro census, the BIBB-DEMOS model adjusted to produce a new and updated baseline scenario. Further, interfaces were adjusted to allow for new interventions. Also, the…

Laufzeit: 2011–2011

Development of a Russian economy-environment-emission-model (e3.ru) for simulation and projection

On behalf of European Commission (Europe Aid/129527/C/SER/RU “Support to the development of new generation models to estimate and forecast GHG emissions and efficiency of Russian climate change…

Laufzeit: 2011–2011

Alternative scenarios for the development of labour demand and ist qualification until 2025

Based on the existing macroeconomic model BIBB-DEMOS that is designed to project the future labour force disaggregated by age, sex, qualifications and occupation, three alternative scenarios for…

Laufzeit: 2011–2012
Modellgestützte Analyse der regionalen Wertschöpfungseffekte in ländlichen Entwicklungsprogrammen

Model-based analysis of regional value creation effects in rural development programmes

The growth and employment effects of five different types of measures in the framework of rural development programmes are determined for six federal states. The particular challenge is to create…

Laufzeit: 2010–2010

Mitarbeit an der Erstellung von Stresstestszenarien – Pilot-Projekt in der Sparkasse Giessen

Berechnung des Szenarios „Harter konjunktureller Abschwung“ in Absprache mit dem DSGV. Das Szenario wurde in SPB11_1_MaRisk eingestellt. Die hier ermittelten Ergebnisse wurden in einer sog.…

Laufzeit: 2010

MaRisk_Teilprojekt: A1 sector shocks – impact of shocks in certain sectors on other sectors

On behalf of the Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV), the impact of industry shocks on an industry as well as on its intermediate suppliers and customers is analysed with regard to…

Laufzeit: 2010

Computer based estimation of employment trends in economic sectors in Germany

For each year of the project duration, i.e. from 2010 until 2014, GWS provides the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) with an estimation of the German labour market for…

Laufzeit: 2010–2014

Feasible Futures for the common good. Energy Transition Paths in a Period of Increasing Resource Scarcities

In diesem Projekt wurde der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien zu neuen Importabhängigkeiten bei Metallrohstoffen (seltene Erden) führt. Viele EE-Technologien setzen…

Laufzeit: 2010–2013

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