Socially compatible design of climate mitigation and energy transition in low-income households
Distributional effects of climate mitigation and energy transition policies have to be analysed precisely to prevent negative impacts on low income groups and increase public acceptance. It is important to highlight benefits of the energy transition while discussing the energy price design. GWS will quantify effects of policy options developed by project partners in work package 3. The project is lead by adelphi research, Berlin. Further project partner are Green Budget Germany (FÖS) and the research center for sustainable development and climate policy.
Großmann, A., Lutz, C., Schneller, A., Kahlenborn, W., Töpfer, K., Thürmer, A., Wunderlich, C., Fiedler, S., Schrems, I., Ekardt, F. & Schmidt-De Caluwe, R.
Sozialverträglicher Klimaschutz – sozialverträgliche Gestaltung von Klimaschutz und Energiewende in Haushalten mit geringem Einkommen.
UBA Texte 66/2020,
Contracting Entity:
Cooperation Partner:
adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH, Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), Forschungsstelle Nachhaltigkeit und Klimapolitik
Project Team Members: