Consumption-based approaches to climate mitigation: data collection, measurement methods and model analysis

Directorate General Climate Action of the European Commission (DG CLIMA) commissioned Ricardo-AEA Ltd (Ricardo-AEA) and Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung (GWS) to develop and…

Laufzeit: 2012–2015

The impact of the German policy mix on technological and structural change in renewable power generat

GRETCHEN investigates the impact of climate, renewable energy and innovation policies (the "policy mix") on technological and structural change in renewable power generation technologies. GRETCHEN…

Laufzeit: 2012–2015

Development of a Russian economy-environment-emission-model ( for simulation and projection

On behalf of European Commission (Europe Aid/129527/C/SER/RU “Support to the development of new generation models to estimate and forecast GHG emissions and efficiency of Russian climate change…

Laufzeit: 2011–2011

Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in Tunisia

This six-month project started in the beginning of May 2011. Together with the Tunisian client and partner ALCOR, the GWS researches the impacts of the plan of the Tunisian government regarding…

Laufzeit: 2011–2013

Employment from renewable energy in Germany: expansion and operation – now and in the future

The impacts on employment of an increased use of renewable energy have been assessed in the short and long run. Special focus was set on gross employment in the sectors production of plants for…

Laufzeit: 2011–2014

Green Economy: Measuring sustainable welfare using System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) data

The project contributes to measurement of progress towards Green Economy. Based on a synopsis of relevant measurement concepts it identifies deficits of available concepts and develops suggestions…

Laufzeit: 2011–2015

Potentials and risks of green future markets

Based on the GreenTech 3.0 atlas, developed by Roland Berger, and additional analysis in the project environmental and economic impacts of different technologies and market potentials have been…

Laufzeit: 2011–2015

Feasible Futures for the common good. Energy Transition Paths in a Period of Increasing Resource Scarcities

In diesem Projekt wurde der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien zu neuen Importabhängigkeiten bei Metallrohstoffen (seltene Erden) führt. Viele EE-Technologien setzen…

Laufzeit: 2010–2013

Development and implementation of a model to be used for economic impact assessment of regulatory decisions taken by NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa)

On behalf of the South African INFORUM partner Conningarth, GWS has worked on the development of an economic model for South Africa.

Laufzeit: 2010–2011

Energy scenarios for the German energy concept

Within this project conducted for the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the institutes Prognos, Basel, ewi, Cologne (Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universität zu Köln)…

Laufzeit: 2010–2011

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