Presentation of the German Sport Satellite Account (SSA)


The empirical findings of the German Sport Satellite Accounts (SSA) have been presented by Gerd Ahlert during the 5th Meeting of the EU Expert Group "Sport Statistics" (XG STAT) in Mainz. See this link for further information.

Within the SSA all sport-related transactions are evidenced in great detail and consistent with the accountant practice in National Accounts. Looking on the results of the German SSA for the reference year 2008 identifies that the direct gross value added of sports sum up to a total of almost 73.1 billion Euros. This means that in 2008, sport-related services represented 3.3% of the German gross value added to the amount of 2,217 billion Euros.

The just published GWS Discussion Paper 2013/4 is discussing in detail the design of the SSA and presents some quantitative results.

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