INFORGE (inter-industry forecasting Germany) is a forecasting and simulation model which can be used to analyse the effects of structural changes in the German economy. INFORGE also acts as the base model for other models designed to explore issues outside of its economic core area. INFORGE was developed by GWS in 1996 and has been regularly updated and developed since. Other GWS models, ranging from PANTA RHEI, SPARTEN and LÄNDER to REGIO, are specific extensions of INFORGE.

INFORGE is a macroeconomic input-output model which is distinguished by its empirical specification and is constructed around the interrelationships between individual industrial sectors. Because the quality of the data used is vital, it uses only official data sources from the German Federal Statistical Office, in particular national accounts and input-output tables, and other data from domestic and international public organisations.

INFORGE’s strength is its ability to analyse complex socioeconomic and economic structures including their dependencies. The input-output relationship also allows the identification of direct and indirect effects and cause-effect relationships. This enables end-to-end modelling of interdependencies between individual industrial sectors, as well as an explanation of macroeconomic relationships which treats an economy as the sum of its individual parts.

An important feature of the INFORGE model is the inclusion of detailed trade data through the integration of the global trade model TINFORGE. The specifications for export demand thus take into account not just the economic power of Germany’s trading partners and their proportion of trade, but also distinguish between tradable goods categories. The model incorporates data for a total of 80 countries and 31 goods categories. This detailed treatment of German export demand enables in-depth analysis of the German economy against the backdrop of globalisation.

INFORGE (INterindustry FORecasting GErmany) model


Model-based analysis of regional value creation effects in rural development programmes
Scientific support of the expert group "Transformation of the Automotive Industry" – WP 4: Employment, training and qualification as well as structural policy aspects in the automotive regions
Sportstätten im demografischen Wandel (engl.)
Extension of the model calculations on the future labour demand by occupation and qualification until 2030
Quarterly update of sectoral analysis and forecasting
Extension of the model calculations on the future labour demand by occupation and qualification until 2030
Update and advancement of the BIBB-DEMOS model
Alternative scenarios for the development of labour demand and ist qualification until 2025
Computer based estimation of employment trends in economic sectors in Germany
Longterm developments in qualification and occupation – modell calculation until 2050
Computer based estimation of employment trends in economic sectors in Germany
Customer segmentation based sales forecst
Data supply of the INFORGE model
Development of a labour supply forecasting model that is compatible to the IAB projections on the level of 54 occupational fields
Development of a macro-econometric forecasting and simulation model
Sectoral analysis and forecasting
Aktualisierung der regionalen Beschäftigungsprojektion für Rheinland-Pfalz und dessen Regionen
Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Branchen in Deutschland und potenzielle Rückwirkungen auf Hamburg
Verbundprojekt, Dritter Bericht zur sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland
IAB projection
Analyse und Modellierung der Energieverbrauchsentwicklung
Beschäftigungsprojektion für die Metropolregionen Rhein-Neckar und Stuttgart bis zum Jahr 2025
Beschäftigungsprojektion für die Wachstumsregion Ems-Achse bis zum Jahr 2025
Demografischer Wandel - Auswirkungen auf die Bauwirtschaft durch steigenden Bedarf an stationären und ambulanten Altenpflegeplätzen.
Erstellung einer modellbasierten Projektion der Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften für Hessen
IWC 2010
Kommt es in Deutschland zu einer Re-Industrialisierung?
Nachfrageprognose im Rahmen des Projektes „regio pro“ – Flächendeckende Einführung des Frühinformationssystems zur Qualifikations- und Beschäftigungsentwicklung in Hessen
Land consumption and loss of open space in 2030.