
Dr. Anett Großmann is working for GWS since 2004. Since 2017 she is part of the division "Economic and Social Affairs". She has studied economics at the University of Leipzig (Diploma) and obtained her PhD at the University of Osnabrueck.

Ms. Großmann has considerable experience in the development and application of E3 (economy, energy, environment) models to analyze the impacts of economic, environmental and climate policy measures on the macroeconomy, structural change, and employment. She applies her knowledge to projects in Europe (e.g. in Austria with the model, in Germany with the model PANTA RHEI), Asia (e.g. Russia with, Kazakhstan with, recently also in Africa (e.g. Rwanda) and also at global level with the model GINFORS_E (Global INterindustry FORecasting System).

One important field of her work is capacity building on the development and application of Excel-based E3 models with the DIOM-X (Dynamic Input-Output Models in Excel) modeling framework, especially in Asian and African countries.

Research Interests

Development of macroeconometric input-output models and E3 models (incl. capacity building)

Socio-economic impact assessment of climate change, climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation measures

Sector analysis and structural change

Projects of Anett Großmann

CRED II: Extension, update, and capacity building on e3. models in Georgia and Kazakhstan
Policy dialogue and knowledge management on climate protection and adaptation strategies in Mongolia and Uganda
Measuring Social and Employment Impacts of NDC policies using Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM) in Egypt
Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Low Emissions (DIAPOL-CE) – Climate-economy modelling in Algeria and Uganda
Policy advice for climate-resilient economic development
The impact of climate policy measures on the Austrian labour market
Development Planning Training Course (June 3rd to 22nd 2018, Ulan Batar (Mongolei))
BMAS-Expert Monitoring: Development of an analytic tool to forecast the supply and demand of skilled workers in Germany
Meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability - quantifying synergies and trade-offs
Development and application of analytical tool based on Input-Output table
Development of analytical tools based on Input-Output table
Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030)
The structure of the market for long-term care in Germany and its potenial capacity
Socially compatible design of climate mitigation and energy transition in low-income households
Macro economic and distributional effects of the German Energiewende
Sustainable Economic Development
Competitiveness and energy costs of industry in international comparison
Weiterentwicklung des PANTA-RHEI-Modells
Aktualisierung und Erweiterung des EVA-Modells
Private Haushalte als Schlüsselakteure einer Transformation des Energiesystems: Empfehlungen für eine sozial-ökologisch orientierte Förderpolitik. Teilvorhaben 3: Gesamtwirtschaftliche Modellierung
Research project "Development of a model for medical care forecasting: modelling and simulation"
Household income project study
Macroeconomic effects of the Energy Transition
Approaches for further development of public finances
Ökosoziale Steuerstrukturreform in Österreich
Wirkungen des Ausbaus Erneuerbarer Energien (Impact of Renewable Energy Sources)
Development of a Russian economy-environment-emission-model ( for simulation and projection
Weiterentwicklung des PANTA-RHEI-Modells
Demografischer Wandel - Auswirkungen auf die Bauwirtschaft durch steigenden Bedarf an stationären und ambulanten Altenpflegeplätzen.
Feasible Futures for the common good. Energy Transition Paths in a Period of Increasing Resource Scarcities
Auswirkungen einer anhaltenden Wachstumsschwäche – eine Szenarienanalyse
Consumers and measures to reduce energy consumption
Volkswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen eines nachhaltigen Energiekonsums
Gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte der Umsetzung der EU-Ziele im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien und Gebäudeeffizienz in Österreich bis 2020
Differenzierte regionale und überregionale Analysen der nachhaltigen Raum- und Siedlungsentwicklung
Sectoral analysis and forecasting
Erneuerbare Energien in Österreich: Modellierung möglicher Entwicklungsszenarien bis 2020

Publications of Anett Großmann